Saturday, September 12, 2015


Blue screen of death. #infografia #infographic:


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electricity from hydrogen
however recently, researchers have regarded light and hydrogen relevant to the creation of more efficient fuel cells. The European Research Council funded the project on biofuel cells based on bacterial enzymes incorporating light or hydrogen gas in their chemical reactions to produce energy, with a £1.42 million grant. Leeds project is to add two specific groups of enzymes: one tending towards light, the other – towards hydrogen, into a basic battery technique, with both enzymes demonstrating promising results. Testing the electrodes on living bacterial cells in the final part of this project will help scientists understand how to take advantage of the processes in electrical applications.


Futuristic Technology, cyborgs are coming, future robots, flexible biobots, future medicine, cyberpunk, future health, future life
– Robot can move by flexing skeletal muscle grafted onto it
– Could lead to new generation of biological robots
It is the cyborg of the  world, made up of both biological and mechanical parts.
Researchers have unveiled the first walking robot powered by live muscle.
The muscle is able to flex so the robot can propel itself across a lab – and researchers say it could lead to a new generation of flexible ‘biobots’…
Read more:  by Mark Prigg