Wednesday, December 7, 2016

aid carrot

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On that day he was in his old cart left his office on the 40 km. But it is the very structure that is 40 km in order to daranta. More thefts along the way! In addition, a heavy snow that day. Such as in a car parked on the side of the road seemed to him at the time. The car is not moving. He went closer and saw that the car may have happened. Bikkacaccipoyi was an inside .Just like. There is not even the courage to get out of the car and opened the door. The car has to be a tire puncture.
"Ravindra my name! Kangarupadanavasaram you do not see me. Do you tell if another tire. I'll adjust, "he ensured the person who reached there on a cart.
There is not much courage to ensure that he pays to the man in the car. As such, the car door tiyakundane 'Speyside, tire, repair dikkilone that are personal, "he said to prattle.
I understand the fear .Just like ravindraki. She took out the material he needs to open Dickey Hampi.He began with a car tire repair. Gadicesariki an hour to complete the task. Another tire, was damaged tire replaced. But sadly, Ravindra battalanni masipoyayi grease. Peddayanaki valakam saw him in the car, found the untold regretful. As soon as the car digi 'If you do not have to view the situation in this way, I'm afraid uhincukovadanike. How much money did you want to say, instead of assistance, "he took out his wallet.
"You're in trouble have helped, but did not expect the money. Behind it the way you may meet as much of my debt. If you ever encountered the troubled man, I have made you talcukondi aid. To allow you to help him instead of my assistance, "he Sukanyaa hurriedly flew to his side, Ravindra. .Just Like and in his way.
.Just Like that day, close to his home and moved to a hotel. In the last few weeks that he was coming back to the hotel. Work there is a big surprise to him to see the server appear. The server full pregnant! Pity that she'd take the time to take a rest from sin peddayanaki coming. She is also working with her so much frustration at the lack of face-up something that seems visamettayina. Panitaluku fatigue pratiphalistunna her face, a smile every time he went to the hotel, palakaristu, serving politely laugh ... she felt it would be nice if an offer to help. But was ignored as well. But today more and more of the incident, why the softening of his mind. 'Aid to those in need, and to his credit tircukomanna' Ravindra gurtukuvaccayi words repeatedly. That's it! She took out a ten thousand rupees in his pocket, and presented the bill. She saw him for the money, 'why' adigelope went from there. She did not get word of mouth at the sight of his receipt of the aid. The incident that day, in the rush to share with her husband reached home. Grease stains appeared on her husband's shirt. Whether the subject is revealed in both the day and okkarenanna tarasillina man!

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