Wednesday, July 1, 2015



Android, iOS, Blackberry OS, Windows- these are the things we hear daily. Technology in camera, display, audio, recording, processors, RAM, GPU with a lot more enhancements have grown to become very popular in a very short span. More companies have joined the race so technology is changing hands daily with one competing against another.

Improvements in display like HD, full-HD, QHD screens that show you the magic of pixel by providing you crystal clear display have got us all hooked to it with the processors that can clock 2.7 GHz making the Smartphone run smooth, without any glitches.

Camera of a mobile has three sections-the lenses, the software and image sensors. When you talk about the lenses the number of megapixels, image sensors that are the CMOS or CCD defining the picture quality comes into consideration. Auto focus technology, on-phone picture edits, and much more all the work one can do on a desktop can now be done on a Smartphone now.

Wireless technology like Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Infra red and connectivity. Improved range of Bluetooth and Wi-Fi well enough to support hotspots for another phones. Connectivity doors has reached the steps of 4G from 2G and 3G which may well go overboard above that too.

APPS-the next big thing in Smartphones, this is the age where one can find all the apps for his needs like from A-Z and in return can develop apps that you think to make the experience better.

User Interface is the most important factor that a customer gets attracted to, the lighter, the sleeker, the swifter, the easier the UI is, the better the phone is.

Finally, here is the read about of Smartphones over 30 years and not Z, as the technology doesn’t end here.

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