Wednesday, July 1, 2015

mobile phones 1985-1990


Vodafone VT1, a portable device which weighs 4.7 kg and has a call time of 30miutes for a charge of 10 hours. So the earlier ones were heavy and provided less call time compared to the time they need charging.


Known as ‘The Brick’ is the first portable mobile phone made by Motorola and modeled name is Motorola 800X. This is the next in series of transportable phones after Vodafone VT1; the sales of the Brick went on till 1988 after which it went obsolete. The antenna is mounted on the phone itself and the phone though portable is quite big.


A high end phone in those days is the Nokia Cityman which is a slimmer version of Motorola 800X. The phone is slim and even light as it weighs just 0.75kg, a passionate gadget for the tech savvy.


Panasonic D series is an example of things getting better and maturing at a good rate. Within a span of 3 years, the battery life is enhanced with the Panasonic D series offering 1 hour of talk time and 8 hours standby time.


The world’s first flip phone that came with an antenna, Motorola MicroTac has many premium features. The prime feature being the antenna that can be pulled out  was just a show as it won’t affect the reception, the actual antenna is inside. The antenna was stuck in the design just because the customers wanted it to be, like giving a feeling they are actually talking wireless.


Nokia Cityman 100, the next improved version of Nokia Cityman came out in 1990. The phone worked on TACS cellular system this was before the GSM was launched.

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