Friday, July 3, 2015

Private Mode Browsing

Private Mode Browsing  of all the browsers are the same. A new window opens that is independent from the main session. Just like the main session users can open as many sites as they want to open.

There is however a difference between the functioning of Firefox private browsing mode and google chrome's incognito mode.

In google chrome when you close the browser after using the incognito mode the data cannot be restored. Not everyone needs the private mode of browsing as If you search of a website of something that you need and after finding it you close the window than this information that you searched cannot be restored and if you do not remember the exact site that you searched you cannot reopen it as the data is not saved.

But in Firefox this feature is different. In Firefox data can be restored in the same way just like in the normal browser which is by using ctrl+shift-t. It can also be achieved by right click on the tab bar and undo close tabs from the context menu.

Other browser like opera and internet explorer also use private browsing. Opera is chromium based so its private browsing mode is just like that of google chrome’s incognito and the closed tab cannot be restored while internet explorer handles private browsing just like Firefox.

Comparing these browsers and their private browsing a question arises that is why these applications are different in re-opening the tabs once after they are closed. There is no official answer to this but an appropriate and logical reason can be that the browser that can re-open the closed tabs holds data on a window level while the browsers that cannot re-open the closed tabs in incognito mode like google chrome and opera hold data on tab level.

It makes google chrome’s incognito mode more private as there is no restoration of a tab once after it is closed.

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